From the inception of the business in 1953, the founders sought to lead the company according to Christian principles.  The first statement of this philosophy was to quote what is known as the Golden Rule, which comes from the Christian scriptures:

  •  Do to others what you want them to do to you. This is the meaning of the law of Moses and the teaching of the prophets.   Matthew 7:12
  • And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.  Luke 6:31

This philosophy can also can be traced to many other cultures and religions. 

 In later years, the founder’s sons (John and Thomas Martin) made a list of other mostly Biblically based principles, and called them the Mar-Mac Philosophies:

  1. To deal honestly, ethically and fairly with all customers, suppliers, employees, and associates.
  2. To remember that we not only employ people but also “families”, and that within the limitations of a for-profit business, provide for these families by providing:
    • A clean and safe workplace.
    • Proper recognition for accomplishments.
    • As great as possible participation in decision making.
    • An open line of communications between all levels of personnel in order that all members of the company can make informed decisions.
    • The highest possible wages and benefits.
  3. The company recognizes that a strong family unit is the basic building block of a healthy society.  Within the scope of a business operation the company will strive to reinforce the family and refrain from any course of action that would weaken the family unit.
  4. To recognize the customer as king and that only by filling a customer’s “special” needs can we become “special” to the customer.  Customers should feel that when they do business with us we will “take care of them.”  We recognize that an intimate relationship with the customer provides an important flow of market information to the company.
  5. To emphasize service and quality as our competitive playing field and to de-emphasize price-cutting as our primary market defense.
  6. To achieve enough diversification to protect the company against the market fluctuations of any one particular industry or market.  To recognize that only through sustained growth can the company remain viable, therefore, there will be times when prudent financial risk must be taken in conflict with the conservative policies of the company.
  7. To optimize the profits of the company, both long and short term, by the conservative investment of capital to assure the continuity of the business.  To be constantly aware that every single dollar spent should give a return either in profit to the company or in benefit to its employees, customers or to society.
  8. To strive to influence local, regional, national, and worldwide decisions and policies affecting our business.

Currently we have stated our purpose: “To honor God by seeking and accepting his guidance in properly serving our customers, our employees, and our stakeholders”.  We have asked the question, “If a company sought to be led by God, what would that company look like?”   We have begun to guess at some answers:

  1. Its leaders seek divine direction as their primary guidance.
  2. Should create an environment where its employees are both free to, and encouraged to, explore their personal relationship with God.
  3. Should minister to or serve its employees in a way that helps accomplish a Godly environment, and give employees the opportunity to serve each other.
  4. Should be public about its commitment to be God-led.
  5. If the company is a for-profit operation, it must be profitable to continue its existence.
  6. Should strive for excellence!

We do not claim to have fulfilled what we think a God-led company should be.  We do not claim to have the right answers.  We simply hope that by seeking to be led by God and attempting to follow Christian principles, we can honor God.